Breaking News
Sunday, January 13, 2013

The World's Top Ten Languages

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The following is a list of most spoken languages in the world.  China tops the list followed by Hindi and then Spanish.
LanguageNumber of SpeakersPrimary Countries the language is spoken 
Mandarin1 BillionChina, Taiwan, Singapore
Hindi370M India
350M Spain, Central America and South America
English340M Every Continent
 Arabic206M Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, Egypt)
 Portugese203M Portugal, Brazil, Macau, Angola, Venezula, Mozambique
 Bengali196M Bangladesh, India
 Russian145M Russia, Eastern Europe
 Japanese126M Japan
 German101M Germany, Australia, Belgium, Lichtenstein


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