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Monday, January 14, 2013

Terabyte of Storage in compact

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kingston Digital, a company that makes flash drives, is at the Consumer Electronics Show promoting a new flash drive that can hold a terabyte of data. The drive would be easily the largest one on the market, in terms of storage capacity. Physically, it is compact, a little larger than a Bic lighter, with a brushed aluminum finish. Called the DataTraveler HyperX Predator 3.0, it will connect to a computer port using USB 3.0 – as its name implies. The company said the new drive was the fastest USB 3.0 Flash drive it makes, working at up to 240MB/s read and 160MB/s write. It also has a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 certification. The drive is expected to be on sale in the first quarter of the year. The price has not been announced, but the 512 gigabyte version of the drive, which has half the storage, is available now for $1750.

Garmin’s Nuvi changes that with an improvement that has been in the works for years: audible directions that rely on visible landmarks, mimicking the directions an actual person might give. Instead of saying, “turn left at Third Street,” Garmin’s new system will say, “turn left at the stop sign,” or, “turn left after the Starbucks.” The feature, called “Garmin Real Directions,” will be on six models ranging in price from $200 to $380.

Of course, relying on landmarks will require some vigilance; not all of them are permanent. It is probably not a good idea to choose a shop, for instance, which is likely to change. Better to choose the building the shop is in, or a nearby statue. The directions will be updated “seasonally,” said Garmin.


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