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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Edit all your photos

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

If there’s one thing in the world you should hate doing, it’s wasting time when you know there’s got to be a better way to go about completing a task. If you’re one of those people who go through every single photograph they take and edit them one after another, you’ve got reason to be grumpy. That’s time that BatchPhoto can save you.
BatchPhoto is one of the easiest ways to mass edit your pictures on Windows or Mac. We’ve reviewed it before. This week, we’re giving away 25 free copies of BatchPhoto Home! Continue reading through my review of the software, and at the end of this post feel free to enter our giveaway for your chance to win. I’ll be reviewing through the Windows version of BatchPhoto, but our giveaway will allow those of you on a Mac to redeem a copy also.

The Interface

BatchPhoto‘s first detail worth appreciating is a very user-friendly interface.
Each element of the UI is very clean and defined, and it’s difficult to get lost in the design. The three-column layout of its face is really one that users should be comfortable with.
In a matter of seconds, I’m able to load 10 beautiful photographs (provided by the the people of a Reddit sub with great camera work). Pictures can be loaded as individual files from the hard drive, mass added from a folder, or pulled from your camera. A preview of each image is available for you to verify that you’ve loaded what was intended.The interface makes the process of editing your photos very simple by displaying the steps in a chart at the left-hand side. Alternatively, just clicking Next will push you along through the process.

The Features

Filters and effects are really what make BatchPhoto special.
The Edit Photos screen is where you’ll be adding one or more filters to apply to your batch of pictures. Clicking Add Filter allows you to look at everything offered.
Features in editing your batch are very, very extensive. Every filter you can imagine is available in BatchPhoto; such as several watermarks, blur, charcoal, emboss, implode, oil paint, negate, sepia, swirl, sharpen, reduce noise, and many more. You can look at all of these filters together or narrow them down by style, such as Touch-Up and Effects.
Upon adding a filter, additional configuration will be needed so that you can tweak the specifics to your liking. As you can see here, adding a simple border, I’m able to change the dimensions of the border. Clicking OK adds this filter to my active list.
Each filter is applied to every picture in the batch that you’ve loaded. Scrolling through thePreview list will allow you to see what each of the photos look like with these filters applied.

Finishing Up

If you’re pleased with what you see, processing your images is just as easy as everything else using BatchPhoto.
Being able to choose from multiple processing destinations is a great feature. After you’ve finished your edits, photos can immediately be saved to your drive, sent by email or FTP, or uploaded to Facebook or Picasa.
Simply select your choice and enter the specifics (what folder you’ll be saving it to, what email address, etc.) and it’s as simple as that. If you’re looking to upload to a third-party service like Facebook, you’re able to directly connect through a pop-up within the application itself.
Clicking the Process button will complete all photo edits.
At this point, you’re all done! But BatchPhoto isn’t.
Upon exiting the program, BatchPhoto will ask if you’d like to save your settings to apply these same filters for a set of photos in the future. This is another great way to save a heap of time, and is great thinking on their part.
BatchPhoto is most definitely a piece of software worth checking out and you can do so by afree trial download on their website. The trial will place a watermark over each image you process, but you’ll be able to get familiar with the application for when you possibly win one of the 25 copies of BatchPhoto Home that we’re giving away worth almost $875! Best of luck!


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