Breaking News
Friday, January 11, 2013

First sensor to measure individual particles in blood samples

Friday, January 11, 2013

Norwegian researchers have developed the world's first sensor capable of measuring individual particles in a blood sample. This new innovation is being heralded as “the ultimate bio-sensor – at the cutting edge of nanotechnology”. This new nano-particle sensor was developed in MiNaLab in Oslo, as a result of a four year joint project between the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia – SINTEF, Stanford University and the University of Oslo (UiO). Our blood contains several hundred different proteins that can give us a picture of our general health – and provide information about the condition of our heart or the presence of cancer. Currently, when a doctor sends a blood sample for a ‘full check’, it can only be analysed for five or six indicators, such as blood percentages, blood sugar and infections.
 For other test results, the sample must be sent to a central laboratory for analysis and this can often take as long as a week before the results come back. Currently, medical laboratories measure proteins to detect imbalances in the body that occur when an infection is present. The new sensor can take these analyses much further. The aim of the joint project was to build a sensor that could improve sensitivity a million fold, making it possible to measure individual particles in the blood, including proteins at extremely low concentrations, as well as DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules. The sensor is made up of a thin silicon membrane that is approximately 300 times thinner than a single hair. It is perforated with hundreds of small holes arranged in a regular pattern. SINTEF's chemists are trying to attach receptors to the wall of each of the perforations in the membrane. When blood is pumped through, the receptors trap very specific molecules, depending on what the scientists are looking for. Because the sensor/membrane has many perforations, they can specify a wide range of different proteins. It will thereby be possible to detect illnesses such as prostate and ovarian cancer in their very early stages. ‘We are very optimistic. So far, we have succeeded without a lot of support. However, a great deal of research remains to be done. In order to develop an industrial product, we need assistance from the Research Council of Norway and the EU,’ says Ib-Rune Johansen. Medical centres should be overjoyed by the news, as it will only cost them a very small amount to buy the ‘tool’ – consisting of the sensor/membrane, a light source and a standard camera of the type used in mobile phones and PCs. The project was facilitated by internal funding from SINTEF's own Medical ACTION project, government SIP funding (the Strategic Institute Programme), and assistance from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the University of Bergen (UiB), the University of Zurich and the German research organisation Fraunhofer. The researchers were also able to use the Norwegian NorFab laboratories. As well as its impact on medicine, the sensor is likely to make it possible to count and define limits for naturally occurring harmful nanoparticles. This means that in addition to diagnosing diseases at a very early stage, it may soon be possible to monitor the quality of water, air and food.


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