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Monday, January 7, 2013

Quality Sharing with PicIT24

Monday, January 07, 2013

PicIT24, developed by Frederick Sacks, is an app designed to promote quality over quantity in social photo sharing. Specifically, PicIT24 is a social media app with similarities to Instagram but with one key difference: Users are limited in the number of photos and quotes they can share during a certain time period.

PicIT24 is a photo sharing app designed for anyone who gets frustrated with friends who “over share” on other social media apps like Instagram. Unlike other such apps, PicIT24 limits the number of updates that a user can post within a single day. Additionally, PicIT24 also provides users with a platform for sharing status updates/quotes if desired; a one-per-day limit is also placed on these quote updates. This way, users of PicIT24 are guaranteed to not feel spammed by any one user during a particular day, and the developers behind PicIT24 argue that by limiting users by the number of posts per day, they are actually encouraging users to post only the most relevant, quality photos and quotes.  Like other social media apps, users of PicIT24 can create personalized profiles, and like other photo sharing apps, PicIT24 features built-in photo editing filters. Overall, the main difference between PicIT24 and other social media apps is the limited sharing, which is presented as being a positive difference by the developers of PicIT24.


PicIT24’s layout is extremely practical which makes this app extremely easy to use. For anyone who has already used other photo sharing apps, using PicIT24 should almost come like second nature, as the basic features (displaying pictures, applying filters, viewing profiles) is all laid out in a similar fashion. As far as the graphics of PicIT24 are concerned, there isn’t really anything particularly special about the app; however, since PicIT24’s main focus is the sharing of quality photographs (which themselves provide the aesthetic appeal of this app), such graphics are not needed at all.


PicIT24 is a free app, and for those who are interested in limited sharing, PicIT24 is sure to satisfy. It is designed similar to other photo sharing apps, and learning to use it is extremely easy. Overall, PicIT24 is definitely an app that does just what it promises: It provides consumers with a way to limit the number of photos/quotes that each user posts.


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