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Sunday, January 6, 2013

How to create a "One-click" Shutdown or Reboot Shortcut ?

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Have you ever thought about an easy way to turn off your computer ? You actually can make shortcuts on your desktop and by pressing it your computer will shutdown, reboot or log off as you wish.

Here is the step to do this :

1. Right-Click your cursor somewhere on your desktop , go to new  and click Shortcut .

     2. A 'create shortcut' window will pop-up and you have to type this command inside the textbox(you can just copy and paste this without the quotes) :

" %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 1 -f "

3. Click next and give name to this shortcut, you can just put “Shutdown” and click finish.Now you have Shutdown shortcut on your desktop, repeat step 1 , 2 and 3 to create Reboot shortcut and Log Off shortcut.

 4.  The command for the Reboot shortcut and Log Off shortcut is as shown below :

“%windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -r -t 1 -f ”   ß for Reboot.

“%windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -l -t 1 -f ” ß for Log Off

 5. You can change the icon for this shortcut if you want, to do so you must : right-click the shortcut|Properties|Change Icon…|Browse…|go to the location of your icon image.(I provide an .ico files for these shortcuts. You can download it here )|Click Open|Click OK.

 6. If you download the icon files that I provided, firstly, you have to extract the downloaded file somewhere before you locate your icon image.

1.     Here is the explanation about the command used to create these shortcuts :

-s à shutdown your computer
-t xxx à time for your computer to shutdown in second unit(I’m using 1 second because –f command can only be used for t > 0
-f à force all applications to close immediately
-r à reboot or restart your computer
-l à log off your computer


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