Korean company Samsung
Electronics on Friday said it has sold more than 10 million Galaxy devices in
the Indian market since the launch of the first Galaxy device, ’Galaxy S’, in
June 2010.“Innovative devices like the Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy SII and SIII,
Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy Y have caught the imagination of
customers and helped us democratise the smartphone experience in the Indian
market,” Samsung VP (Mobile) Asim Warsi said.“This has helped Samsung sell more
than 10 million Galaxy devices in the Indian market since June 2010, when the
first Galaxy device was launched,” he added.The Galaxy series comprises a
portfolio of devices like Galaxy Y (launched in October 2011), Galaxy SII (May
2011), Galaxy Tab (November 2011), Galaxy Tab 2 310 (May 2012) and Galaxy SIII.Though
the company declined to comment on individual contribution of a particular
device, Galaxy Y series, Note series and SIII together contributed more than 50
per cent of the sales.“Through our series of consistent Smartphone launches,
Samsung has fuelled the growth of the smartphone market in India and has been a
category leader since last year. Samsung’s portfolio of 13 Galaxy devices in
the Indian market are priced between Rs 6,790 to Rs 39,990,” Mr. Warsi said.According
to CyberMedia Research (CMR) India Mobile Handsets Market Review, India
shipments of mobile handsets was recorded at 102.43 million units during
January-June 2012.Of the smartphones market of 5.50 million units, Samsung had
a 41.6 per cent share, while Nokia and Research in Motion had 19.2 per cent and
12.1 per cent share, respectively.
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