I work in both Linux and Windows environments and have for quite some time. In-fact, it’s amazing at how much the Windows world has entered in the server market space. What people forget with all these mouse movements and clicks, is how powerful Linux is via the command line.
I feel that people are simply intimidated by the command line, where as even with Microsoft Windows Server, you will sure enough find yourself scripting via VBS, BAT, and PowerShell. It is inevitable as you get into the more advanced functionality. And then you find yourself in “prompt” and “PowerShell” solving all of your issues.
So I say, why don’t you familiarize yourself with Linux from the start? In my opinion, it is much easier, and gives a much broader understanding of the underlying configurations of networks, applications, and systems.
I post a lot about Hak5, and here is another. Learn how to use the Linux “history” command.
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