When you are on the go, one of the most important pieces of information to have is currency conversions. After all, you need to know how far your money will go where you are. Are you getting a positive conversion or a negative one? How much of a hit will you take and will you need to bring more money to compensate for the conversion? These are all important questions to ask yourself when you need to go abroad. Thankfully, the aptly named iPhone app Currency has all the conversions you need in one place.
With Currency, you get an app that does one simple thing, and it does it well. There are no annoying bells and whistles and unneeded features. Instead, you get a slick, streamlined app that is designed to help you get the important data you need and move on with your trip. Never has finding out conversions for different types of currencies been so easy.
Set Up
To get the money conversion app, you will need to go to the iTunes App Store and download it to your device. It’s free, and it works on both the iPhone and iPad, so you can enjoy it no matter what device you have.
By default, the app comes with a select list of currencies on the main page. The currencies included are as follows: US Dollar, UK Pound, Japanese Yen, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. You can change the types of currencies displayed here by clicking the “Edit” button on the top right of the screen. You can delete any of the currencies displayed by tapping the button to the left of its name.
Of course, you can also add more currencies to the list. To do so, click the “Add Currency” button on the bottom of the list. From here, you will be able to choose from the massive list of world currencies. There are a total of 164 currencies listed in the app, so anything you need to convert will be available to you.
The default base currency is the US Dollar. This is the basis from which it will draw all conversions. From the Edit screen, you can click “Settings” and change this to any of the other currencies listed in the app. Obviously, you are going to want to make this the currency you use on a day to day basis. You can also change the base amount, which is set to 100 by default. The settings screen is also where you can adjust how often the application updates the conversion data.
As I said previously, the money conversion app will default to 100 for the conversion amount, but if you click on your base currency, which is listed on the bottom, the app will launch a number pad for you to type in any amount. Once you finish typing in an amount, click “Convert” and the app will bring you back to the main screen with your new amount typed in.
You can also click on one of other currencies to type in a number and use that as a baseline, so if, for example, you wanted to know how much 500 pounds converts to in American Dollars, you could do that with this app.
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