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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Learning Linux Basics: Echo and Braces

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Shannon has been digging into Linux and it is perfect for anyone else who is trying to get more familiarized with Linux themselves. These days, command lines often turn people off, raise questions, confuse, and simply are difficult to learn for many. But the power is in the script, and if you can learn the Linux command line, you will find many wonders of the Computer Science universe that will both, save you a lot of time in your day to day Linux / Windows life and make you a valuable asset for others. I included Windows there too because prompt and PowerShell have a huge amount of potential reach as well.
Go Linux@! Learn it, Master it. Then you can master any OS out there, no joking at all. Start with Shannon, she puts it in easy to understand terms and has a lot of great videos on starting from scratch.


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