No matter where you share your photos online – whether it’s on Twitter, Instagram, Flickr or Facebook – there’s a ton of competition out there, and a ton of cool apps that make it easy to help youtake better photos and create visually appealingiPhone photos. With Hipstamatic, Snapseed (which made it into our list of best iPad apps), and a whole array of apps available, getting noticed is definitely a challenge.
And while there’s no limit to iOS photo frame apps that make it easy to jazz up your iPhone photos with cool frames and collages, the latest app to hit the iTunes App Store comes to us with a unique twist.SymbolGram, the new free app, brings unique frames, allowing you to create interesting shapes, words and more.
How to Use SymbolGram
When you first launch the app, you can open a photo saved in your library, or you can take a photo directly within the app. Once you have the photo of your choice, you can edit the photo by adding effects, enhancing it, adjusting the brightness and removing red-eye. The 10 available effects all have a vintage, Instagram feel to them, giving users the options to add a vignette, frames and more.
Once you’re done with your photo editing, you can then choose from over 50 creative frames. Create frames made up of words – love, hate, cool, and sexy, are just a few of the options available. A welcome feature would be to create frames using words of your own choice.
Other frames include shapes – stars, diamonds and crosses; as well as interesting vector-styled frames – with lines, curves and more. Again, like with the words, it would be great if users had the option to create frames using their own shapes, and possibly even vectors.
The way that the frame works is that it simply appears over the image that you’ve chosen. The frames are all square – making your final products Instagram ready – but if you want the entire image to appear under the frame – you’ll have to crop it as a square beforehand. While having this feature included in SymbolGram would be handy – it’s not a big deal since it’s available in a variety of free photo editing apps like Snapseed, while there are even apps dedicated to providing that single feature, like Squaready.
What to Do With Your Photo
Once you’ve got the final photo, you can do one of three things with it – you can save it to your photo library, or share it on Instagram and Twitter. While these are the only two social sharing options available – saving it to your photo library makes it possible to share it elsewhere – Facebook or Google+ or to share it via email.
You can get pretty creative with apps like SymbolGram. You can create a collage using a few of the words or shapes available, or even create a collage of photos using an app like Fuzel, and then import it into SymbolGram and create a unique final product. You can also always put the photo through more photo editing using apps like Snapseed, or even just using Instagram’s filters.
Be sure to check out SymbolGram’s Instagram feed where you can see what they’re doing with the app, and the SymbolGram hashtag on Instagram, to see how other users are jazzing up their own photos with the app.
What do you think of SymbolGram? Let us know in the comments.
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